Preparing For Long Term Travel

Traveling abroad is an art, requiring intellect, Media Focus to plan courage to enact, and perseverance to endure. When planning your dream trip, you must distinguish between over-analysis and not-so-blissful ignorance (summer in Sudan, anyone?). It would help if you considered several things before booking your travel, and the most important will be deciding where and when to go to Eftcrop.


Where to Go

After working in a cubical and daydreaming about traveling worldwide, most people already have a good idea of where they want to go. It’s a personal choice, and there are amazing places to see and experience globally. If you intend for your systems to pay for your travels, your budget is the main factor in deciding where to go.

How Much the World Costs

These numbers assume a few things. Firstly, you travel slowly (no more than one out of every four days). Second, you stay in clean, basic accommodations. While it’s certainly possible to rent a $3 room in Cambodia, most people mature enough to run a business want a little more comfort. We’re talking rooms with a bathroom, hot water, shower, towels, a bed, and a TV… but not much else. The prices below are for two people and include food, room, laundry, toiletries, visas, and overland (usually local) travel:

o Southeast Asia: $50
o UK and Ireland: $100
o Australia and New Zealand: $80
o South America:$55
o Africa: $60
o Western Europe: $90
o Eastern Europe:$65
o Indian subcontinent:$40
o Japan: $90

As you can see, expenses can be very reasonable, far more affordable than what you may be paying back home. However, you will want to travel somewhere that your system can afford. You can escape home faster and live better if you visit third-world areas like Southeast Asia and India. Though we’ve seen the UK several times, my wife and I are still far from living it up in London!

There’s another more powerful reason for going to the third world initially: a new perspective. Chances are, if you’re reading this, you are probably raised in the Western world. When you board that plane, you will undoubtedly be ready for a change, and the transition from first to third world will be as eye-opening as the transition from worker to entrepreneur. All in all, their calculations have been fairly close to my personal experiences.

Money-Saving Tips

These are some tips I’ve learned from working as a travel agent and personal experience. There are many, many ways to stretch your budget:

o, Purchase tickets ahead of time or last minute. So many people lament over rising flight costs when they should have bought the damn thing months ago and saved a bundle. Here is my rule of budget travel: purchase tickets ahead of time if you know where you want to go, and purchase last minute if you don’t. For example, a special discount flight to Hungary from San Francisco for three hundred dollars, at the last minute. Did you plan on going to Hungary? No, but when the opportunity arises, you should take it.

Slum it, then go all out. My wife and I cycled across Ireland without breaking the bank, yet we stayed in quality bed and breakfasts (including an old Irish castle). How did we do this? Simple: for every one night in a great location, we camped two nights. Once we arrived at our room for the night, we cleaned up and had a good time. The next morning, we showered and hit the road. Following this approach, you only miss a shower for one day at a time...

o, Change your drinking habits. One of my largest grievances with budget travel writers is their silly notion that you should sacrifice a cold beer in the name of saving money. There are far better ways to save a dollar while you’re traveling. What you should avoid are bars. You can drink cold beer or local spirits for cheap from bottle shops (or, oddly enough, 7-11’s). I found myself contemplating buying a can of Guinness in Thailand for more than it cost back home! True, it was an Irish pub on St. Patrick’s Day, but come on.