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Mobile is our daily life needs and we need it to have a better life experience in communications .

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the G1 Google Phone and Android

A one-stop guide for the T-Mobile G1 phone running Google's Android mobile operating system. Android is an open-source project designed specifically to make it easy for developers,...

Google’s Android Phones Challenge Apple iPhone For Smartphone Market Share

At a media forum on Thursday, July 8, 2010, at Allen & Co's Sun Valley conference, Google executives Larry Page and Sergey Brin informed Journalists that Steve...

Android Apps That Will Actually Make You Money While Shopping!

Shopping is either pure bliss or torture, depending on who you ask. Regardless of which end of the spectrum you are on, Android apps will help you...

Purchasing a Top Android Phone is a Good Decision

How do you decide on the best phone for you? With such a wide variety of cell phones, it is tough to determine. The Google phones have...

Practical Mobile Marketing

Now, we will describe powerful mobile marketing methods you can implement in just a few minutes. We will investigate what the industry and the technology allow us...

4 Reasons You Need a Mobile Website

Tablet devices like the iPhone, iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tablet, and Kindle Fire entered the market a few years ago and triggered a craze in all parts of...

The Mobile Landscape – The Truth Behind the Hype

This year, 2010, is the year of the mobile. Any organization dealing with digital media is talking about it, Wall Street analysts are lionizing the potential, and...