The Most Beautiful Woman within the World Award
My adoration for women is rather harmless if I am allowed to decide for myself. I will be more than happy to define the criteria that define...
Redefining Health within the 21st Century
What we cannot define, we cannot locate, for our definition determines our destination. One of humanity's best debacles is the allegiance to history as a general for...
The Threat to Health Freedom Now
As a medical investigative reporter for 28 years, I've seen the public interest in health freedom come and go. Right now, in 2010, it is at a...
How Amber Kinetics is Shaping the Future of Renewable Energy
Renewable energy is a hot topic these days. In the face of the climate crisis, with extreme weather conditions and declining ecosystems ravaging nations worldwide, it's easy...
Life Settlement Underwriting
Life settlements are fast growing into a staple of the insurance and financial planning world. Most financial professionals have heard of life settlements, which is the sale...
Kamilas Skin Care Review and Discount Code
Kamila's Skin Care is a young woman from Poland who creates unique, natural beauty products. She started her company in 2009. Kamila uses only natural ingredients like...
Allow Yourself to Live The Life That Is Best For You!
Every person is responsible for our personal lives, which means we're chargeable for our personal growth and development. Adults aren't kids, so we need to give them...