As the old age wisdom goes — “Invest In Land.” If you have land, you can work on it and grow your food; that will take care of everything. Also, nowadays, the saying has more dimensions – appreciation in value. Yes, land or real estate is the only thing that will never go anywhere; it will appreciate and grow food for you Living Tired. So, investing in real estate at a prime location is common sense. But the new age wisdom adds a more classic interpretation to the old
saying —– “Invest in your website.” The internet touches everyone we see or come across in some way or another, and it will only increase daily. We have to invest in our website to become our prime real estate online, which gets us more inquiries, more business, and, finally, more revenue. But how do youo design a website that will become very famous online? Following are the steps which will help you in making your website prominent.
1. Selection of a Domain Name
Select your domain very carefully & precisely. It should contain the keywords that your website is targeting. To put it more simply, the domain name should include the name of the products/services that you are offering. For example, “Tangent Inc” manufacturing home furniture should have the domain name instead of just.
2. Selection of Web Host
This is one of the most important steps to take towards your website’s fame. Tell me, if your child’s not well —- will you take him to the best doctor or some fishy roadside dispensary? Of course, you will take him to the best doc. The same goes here: where do you want to put all the content of your website, emails, and data? Will you trust it with some cheap, fly-by-the-night web hoster who is in to make some quick cash — or with someone reputed, has good servers, gives you 99.9% uptime, and provides good support?
Out of 100 – 98 companies entrust their website designing to their web designers —- who refer a few other websites like yours and make a mixture of them and offer to you. The content —– is also a mixture of a few different websites. And well, that seems the thing to do — as it gets done faster and does not require you to do anything. Sorry, Sir, that’s not going to make your website famous. If you want to make your website famous, be involved. Be involved in the designing process, from the color selection to the link layout, from content development to image selection, and decide what information you want to show your customers —– not just what your competitor is offering.
4. Let people know that you have a website
When your website is ready — let people know about it. Inform all your business associates, inform all the industry organizations, inform all chambers of commerce, and print your website on your letterheads & cards. Submit your websites to search engines. Most importantly, start using your personalized email IDs like instead of using some free email IDs at Gmail, Hotmail, or Yahoo. Include your email address in your signature and append your signature to each outgoing message. If people know about your website — then there is a chance that they might visit your website.
5. Last but not least —- Regularly Update your website
Perhaps this is the most important factor that makes your website famous. Keep on updating your website regularly, if possible — do it daily! Furnish the latest information about your products/services, the new technologies your company is working on, the recent developments, career opportunities, and information on the last staff trip your company arranged. Keep your website updated with the latest industry news if you have nothing to update. Do not worry if it contains the names of your competitors —– instead, doing this will ensure that your website has all the latest & updated information about the industry, and people will prefer it for that.
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