News programs have suddenly become hot Graet News Network property and are vying for attention with other popular programs telecast on different channels. All major television broadcasters include at least one news channel in their bouquet. The biggest headache for launching a satellite channel is programming software around the clock. At this juncture,
newsgathering is a major task for the 24-hour news channels. The emerging electronic media have always attempted to cover all the incidents irrespective of position, location, and time to cater to this task. These channels not only revolutionized the concept of news on Indian television but also changed the news formats. Before the 1990s,
Doordarshan had monopolized newscasts on Indian television and also turned the news programs into a dowdy exercise. Private channels now have made the news an essential commodity like food, clothing, and shelter. The strong point of today’s news bulletins is their topicality, objectivity, glossy editing, and high-quality visuals.
News has traveled a long way from the DD era. From Local events to International events, breaking news to news analysis, television soap to page information, every happening comes under the purview of information. This article has covered significant changes in news broadcasting in India before and after the Gulf War Atticus Blog.
Indian Television – Flash Back
Television in India is undergoing significant changes in the current liberalized environment. To understand these changes, one needs to have a brief idea of the road covered by the television channels. The journey started experimentally with a financial grant from UNESCO on 15 September 1959. The makeshift studio at Akashvani Bhavan in New
Delhi was chosen for the location of the experiment. The experiment started with the one-hour program, broadcast twice a week, on community health, citizen rights, education, traffic sense, etc. As far as news is concerned, it was launched exactly six years after television broadcasting. A daily one-hour program with a news bulletin was served to the Indian viewers. But one major drawback of television was that you could not enjoy
the original color of the objects because of black and white transmission. The first multi-color program was the Prime Minister’s address from Red Fort in Delhi on India’s 35th Independence Day. On the same day, the DD National channel was launched. Launching the National channel aims to nurture national integration and to inculcate a sense of pride in Indians. Indian viewers also enjoyed the colored version of the Asian Games hosted by New.
Delhi in their drawing room. The coverage of major events and different occasions plays a big hand in the infiltration of television signals to the nooks and corners of the subcontinent. Indian Government has taken all possible steps to expand television broadcasting demographically and geographically. In 1983, television signals were available to just 28% of the population; this had doubled by the end of 1985, and by 1990, over 90% of the population had access to television signals. In 1984, the DD Metro channel was added to provide exclusive entertainment for urban viewers. In the beginning, this channel was confined to metropolitan cities.
As a public broadcaster, Doordarshan presented the news in a naturalized manner. All controversial issues were pushed under the carpet. The ruling Government had a stronghold on television broadcasting. Doordarshan news bulletins could not provide international news to the national viewers. Objectivity had been the first casualty as the news was invariably slanted to suit the party in power. The news was liberated from the confines of
the DD newsroom and gained objectivity and credibility when New Delhi Television (NDTV) produced ‘The World This Week’ in 1988. Everyone awaited Friday night to watch ‘The World This Week.’ This was the only India-based program that looked out at the rest of the world. The World This Week was the best current affairs program on the
international scenario and carried good news, which the regular DD news failed to carry out. This program is among the country’s finest and most popular television shows. In 1989, NDTV produced India’s first live televised coverage of the country’s general elections. The critical and commercial success of the range sets a new standard for Indian television. After the Gulf War, the media panorama has changed forever.
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