SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) can be puzzling if you start with a new website or even an experienced web admin. With thousands of websites giving hundreds of tips and tricks to optimize your site, it can be overwhelming and off-putting not knowing where or how to start.

Many sites even offer their services to you for payment that claim they will get you traffic and high search rankings, but who to trust? Anyway, why pay someone else to do what you can do for free? This guide will show the best simple SEO tips, in my opinion, to get your Gaming site or similar site off to a good start when trying to increase traffic and, more importantly, those Search Engine rankings.


Meta Tags and Descriptions

The easiest and most efficient starting area for SEO is making sure your site has Meta Tags and Meta Descriptions.

This is the HTML code for adding Meta Tags and a Meta Description:

Within the tags in your pages, you need to insert this piece of HTML unless it has already been put in for you. Either add this code to each page you have online, or if you have a large website and are using Header and Footer sections, you can add this code to your Header.php file again between the tags, and then this will add the Meta details to all your pages that run the same Header.

Meta Description –

The description should be a short sentence or two that describes your website, what information you have to offer, and what you do. Preferably, don’t have it any longer than 150 characters as most search engines will only read the first 150 characters before they deem to have enough information about your site.

Meta Description Don’t’s –

*Don’t put your URL in the description.

*Don’t have more than 150 Characters.

*Don’t capitalize every word.

*Don’t overly spam your keywords (no more than 2 of the same words).

Meta Description Dos –

*make it readable and with proper grammar, as human users will use the description to decide if they want to view your site or not.

*Do make it to the point, short and sweet.

*Describe exactly what users will find on your site.

Meta Tags –

Meta Tags are keywords relevant to your website and the content available on your website. Search Engines use Meta Tags when users Search specific keywords in their Search Engine and match them up with the Keywords you have in your Meta Tags and your site. We suggest having no more than 15 Keywords, but ensure they are relevant to your site’s content for maximum usage.

Meta Tag DDon’t’s-

*Don’t add words that don’t match up with what’s on your site.

*There is no need to have multiple tags of the same words.

*Don’t have more than 15 Keywords.

Meta Tag Dos –

*Do use a variety of phrases. For, if you have playable games on your site, don’t just have ‘games’ as a meta tag word. Also, use phrases like ‘free online games, ‘play free games’, and ‘play certain game name’ to give a more exact match in the search engines.

*Match the Meta Tag keywords with words found on your site (this is needed to increase Meta Tag relevance).

Once you’ve added or updated your Meta Tags, it may take 72 Hours to 2 Weeks or more before they are Updated in the Search Engine listings, depending on how often the Search Engines crawl your site for updates. So you won’t see results straight away. Work and patience are the keys to the engines!

Writing and Distributing Articles

Articles are a great source of exposure, visibility, and high PR backlinks.

If there’s a specific area or category that you have a high interest or knowledge in, then why not write a short article about it? AReportscan then be used to add to your blog, adding a new page for your site with the athemein and submitting it to article directories.

Articles are useful as they can bring in visitors interested in the content, and by adding the article to article directories, you can add a link back to your site. This means you can get free high PR backlinks from the article directory sites back to your site. Other website owners can also use your article and add it to their blog, also importing the backlink, so from one apiece, you get the chance of it being added to multiple websites, all containing a link back to your site. This is a great way to get traffic and free backlinks.

For the best relevancy, if you write any articles, try to make them relevant to the content of your website. So if you write an essay about games, and it has links to your game site, then the keywords are all linked to the same category of gaming, meaning the Search Engines give the article and backlinks higher priority.

Article Dos –

*Ensure each article has a minimum of 400 words.

*If you use the article on your site/blog, add relevant pictures to make the writing more appealing and eye-catching.

*Add the article to well-known article directories (this is free).

*When adding to Article Directories, insert a link to your website in the Author details area.

*Do spell check and grammar check before you release the article.

Article DDon’t’s-

*Don’t add URLs inside the article itself, as this will get rejected by the Article Directories.

*Don’t spam the same word; don’t use the same word for more than 3% of the entire word. For, a 500-word article doesn’t use the same word more than 15 times.


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Antonio Peters
Student. Typical social media nerd. Analyst. Zombie guru. Gamer. Award-winning thinker. Set new standards for analyzing wooden horses with no outside help. What gets me going now is promoting xylophones in the government sector. Uniquely-equipped for working on ice cream in the aftermarket. Spent 2001-2008 creating marketing channels for trumpets with no outside help. Had some great experience testing the market for puppets in Deltona, FL. Spent 2001-2007 importing psoriasis in the aftermarket.