Let’s explore becoming a blogger and the Cloud Light proper use of Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn advertising on your blog and website. Facebook and Twitter have precise instructions for using their logos, but it seems that very few people are following those guidelines on the Internet. If you have any questions, you should ask your attorney. There are common practices that web admins and bloggers are using to promote their brands on these social media sites. It is not legal to take someone else’s brand to alter it.

blogBut Twitter and Facebook logos are everywhere, which has made these social media sites so famous. Facebook and Twitter both have trademarks on their logo and their iconography. For example, Twitter’s trademark is the little bluebird. They have their name and logo trademarked. Therefore, you can not alter them. Their guidelines are important,t so pay attention to their name and logo allowed use. Legally, you can not take their brand or trademark and alter them. Both Facebook and Twitter do qualify, however, for certain kinds of things.

Facebook allows webmasters to use the “F” in a square and use it on their branding and include text, for example, “Fan us on Facebook”. However, they do not allow you to use the F in a different color or FB in a different color. These are their general guidelines. On the other hand, Twitter does not want you to put a T inside of a blue square. So what you as a webmaster need to ask yourself is whether or not you wish to comply with their general guidelines. If you have any questions, it is best to ask an attorney or read their policies on Facebook or Twitter.

It is not recommended, for example, to use a little F or a little T on any of your online branding. A little T that says “Follow us on Twitter” or a little F that says “Fan us on Facebook” could cause your website to lose valuable traffic because all this does is encourage visitors to leave your website. It sends people away from your website to the social media giants. Instead, it is recommended to employ the widgets available for web admins to put on their site so that visitors can like you on Facebook or follow you on Twitter without leaving your website.

The old way of doing things is sending someone away from your website. The new method is to keep your hard-earned visitors to your website. By using these widgets, visitors can become a fan or a follower without ever leaving your website. Keep visitors on your website while at the same time encouraging them to be fans or followers. It’s a win-win strategy.

Your Blog and Your Web Hosting Account

Content marketing is a well-known and successful way to market a business online without spending much money on advertising. Blogs are the main way to attract leads and educate prospects. With some companies, all their leaders come from their blogs, and they do not need to do any advertising whatsoever. Instead of spending much on advertising, these companies post 500-word articles to their blogs daily or weekly. Many business owners have been able to leave their 9-5 jobs because of blogging.

These companies use blog posts as their number one strategy for advertising. Build a strong following by blogging. It is a great way to start without advertising and spending much money on a start-up. Blogging is a cost-efficient way to build a company online. With your hosting account, you will have blogging software that makes it easy to start blogging and posting your content on your website or blog.

Traits of Successful Bloggers

What are the traits that someone should have to become a successful blogger? Start with the notion that there are five roles that people play. Every person has at least one of these traits or roles.

Five Traits of Successful Bloggers

  • Are you a dreamer? You are a visionary, and you want to tell people about it.
  • Are you a good storyteller?
  • Are you a teacher?
  • Are you a persuader? Every person has an opinion.
  • Are you a curator? Being a collector of ideas is a helpful trait for blogging.

The idea is to take that one trait that you have, recognize it, and build on it. Some people have more than one of the above traits, which is also good. An example is to take your trait and incorporate real-life events into a blog post. Successful bloggers have one feature, and everybody does have one of these traits.

If you have more than one or even all of these traits, it is even better. Some people have a natural tendency to blog. Ask your friends or family members to tell you which features you have in your DNA. You will get some interesting feedback.