Can Anyone Help Me Build a Website?

Many professional webmasters,  designers, and hosting sellers have told me that dumbing it down doesn't help. I find that arrogant because it's one thing to dumb it...

How To Start A Successful Blog

The most common question I get asked about blogging would be, "How do you start a blog?" For this post, I will show you how to start...

What Do I Do: WordPress or HTML?

Two PathsThere are two popular approaches On Dav to take when you build a website. You can use a static HTML website or a Content Management System (CMS)...

How To Build an Empire With Blogs

This is what I hear a lot of: How Do I Blog? Our Planetary  When you first start creating a blog, it's hard to imagine that it...

Google Ad Manager Setup For Blogs & Affiliate Networks

This will be something Owner Business of a tutorial on how a site using Affiliate Networks as the main source of revenue and other advertising sources to...

How to Install and Style WordPress 2.5

It's soon time for Page Design Pro  to redesign my website for the "Web 2.0 Age." I have seriously looked at two platforms, Drupal and Joomla, with...

22 Things You Should Do After Installing WordPress

Little tweaks with a big impact, first and foremost, are Page Design Hub. Those little annoying tweaks that are left undone now can have repercussions later. These...