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Mobile is our daily life needs and we need it to have a better life experience in communications .

A Practical Legal Guide to iPhone Application Development

It's the iPhone Application developer's worst (and increasingly justified) fear: Spending significant time, money, and resources building an app only to have it rejected or, worse, pulled...

What Are Apple Seeds Poisonous to Humans?

It is not poisonous to humans. No substance is toxic to humans. All our seeds are good for us because they contain all the necessary nutrients. According...

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the G1 Google Phone and Android

A one-stop guide for the T-Mobile G1 phone running Google's Android mobile operating system. Android is an open-source project designed specifically to make it easy for developers,...

The Ecosystem Advantage

Apple has an atmosphere again. There isn't any denying it. Everyone knows it. But what precisely does it mean? In normal, reductionist style, iOS detractors knew the...

The Best Drawing Apps For Your Android Phone Now!

If you're an artist or just someone who likes to doodle on their phone, you'll want to check out the best drawing apps for Android. There are...