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Leading to the world the virtual world is defined as the Internet World that we like you to notice.

How to save some hours

What Do You Spend Your Time Doing During The Week? This week, I was passed by so fast! I barely did anything! How did this happen?Sound familiar? These...

10 Basic Emotions We Feel According To Carroll Izard

We go through the different phases of life, experiencing a multi-faced and complex spectrum of other emotions. Some of these emotions are also very difficult to put...

Best Small Business Tips and Ideas in Internet

Deciding to start a business can be one of your most exhilarating decisions. We live in a world where everyone wants to make extra money and add...

Your Website – Your Virtual Real Estate!

As the old age wisdom goes --- "Invest In Land." If you have land, you can work on it and grow your food; that will take care...

How To Really Find Things On The Internet – A Plain English Guide

The Internet is one of every guy's best innovations, the exquisite liberator of information, the equal opportunist imparting all of us a stage for their voice. It's...

How This Internet Marketing Tip Turned My Online Failure To Success

The most valuable internet advertising tip I have ever given is this. Find yourself ONE mentor you consider and agree with, and remove yourself from anyone else's...

Can You Copyright News Headlines?

Media organizations have tried to assert copyright safety over newspaper headlines reproduced on the internet. News publishers have claimed that news headlines qualify for copyright protection as...