Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity Mexico suggests that traveling to the past is possible via rotating wormholes and black holes. The actual technical practicality of carrying out such journeys need not concern us since this essay is in the realm of the thought experiment. Now Stephen Hawking says time travel to the past is not possible because he proposes that there is such a thing as a yet undiscovered

The Chronology Protection Conjecture prevents this and thus makes the world safe for historians. I’ve come up with a unified theory of time travel into the past that incorporates Einstein’s general theory of relativity, Hawking’s Chronology Protection Conjecture, and other assorted bits like parallel universes that are thrown into the mix.

Time travel is a staple in sci-fi stories, novels, films, and TV series. And time travel is possible – in theory. We all know about journeying to the future, which we do at the rate of one second per second, whether we like it or not. Apart from that, if one travels at close to light speeds relative to one place of origin, one can travel to the distant future (concerning that place of birth) without aging an equivalent number of years (the twin paradox). Travel to the past is allowed, too, via the weird physics inherent in rotating wormholes and maybe Black Holes, where Einstein’s general theory of relativity comes into play. The problem there is that relativity theory predicts

wormholes, if they exist at all, will live for nanoseconds and be very tiny to boot, and thus not very useful in the foreseeable future for time travel. Because we don’t know exactly what the inside of a Black Hole is and where it leads, if anywhere, current thinking suggests that jumping into Black Holes is a more useful means for committing suicide than traveling to the past. However, the jury is still out on that one.

Anyway, the fun bit about time travel is the various paradoxes that arise, the most famous being the grandfather paradox. That is, what if you travel back in time and kill your grandfather before he sired your father (or mother)? If you did that, you could never have been born, but if you were never born, you couldn’t go back in time to kill your

ancestor. This is the sort of stuff sci-fi authors (and philosophers) love – ditto physicists! My favorite time travel paradox, however, is where you get something for nothing. Say you have this edition of “Hamlet,” and you want Shakespeare to autograph it. So, back you

go in time to Shakespeare’s era. You knock on his door, but the housekeeper says he’s out for the day; if you leave the book, he’ll autograph it, and you can come by and collect it the next morning. When Shakespeare comes home, he sees the text, reads it, and is so impressed he spends the night making a copy.

You return the next morning, collect your now autographed edition of “Hamlet”, and return to the present day with your now very valuable book. Now, where did the original “Hamlet” come from? You didn’t write it, but Shakespeare didn’t either, as he plagiarized your copy, which he then passed off as his work.